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How to Look for the Door


Home is the living space where people live. Every person wants to place their home in the best way, buy the most beautiful items and put them in their home. The door seems to most people no different from the walls of the house. However, doors are the most valuable accessory of a house. People protect their living space thanks to the door, and when you want to be alone, you can be alone by closing the room door.

Door Word

 The word door is frequently used in daily life, even if it has a literal meaning, and it is also included in many idioms that are the mirror of society culture. For example, people who always support themselves in every sense are associated with the phrase as a door. Because the doors are strong. Likewise, there is an expression of opening new doors in your life. This idiom contains excitement and hope. People who have established a new life for themselves stop at the door and breathe when they enter their home because that door opens to their new life. There are many more examples of the place of the word “door” in life like these. So why is this word in so much life?

 The Door’s Place in Life

 The primary task of the door is to ensure the security of a home. For this reason, the entrance doors of the house are complex and equipped with multiple locking systems. In terms of the material, it is made of, steel doors are preferred today because they are safer. Looking at the past, it is seen that there are door handles on the outside of the doors of the old houses, especially in villages and towns in some regions. From here, the information that the people living in that region at that time were fully trusted in each other is deduced. The entrance door of the house also reflects the moral and cultural level of the society.

The door of the rooms in the house is made of a less durable material than the entrance door and has a simpler lock system. The fact that people in the house feel safe thanks to the entrance door and the fact that they trust the people they live within the house makes the room doors more passable than the entrance doors.

 Colours of Doors

 The colour of the entrance door of a home is usually dark and the entrance doors are made entirely of durable material, while they do not contain materials such as glass. The room doors in the house are mostly light and usually have glass. Because the home is the living space of a person or a family, and what happens in the house concerns everyone, so it should be transparent. Those behind the room door are somehow related to those in the other room. On the other hand, those inside the house are not transferred to the outside. A person does not want anyone who passes by, even his next-door neighbour, to know about his private life. That’s why the entrance door is opaque, dark and without glass. No light can enter from the outside, but nothing comes out from the inside without asking the landlord. Doors, which have so much meaning and function in life, deserve to be beautiful in concrete. The door should be chosen according to how one wants to live life. Doors that open and close at home are at least as valuable as doors that open and close in life and should be special.