A stunning collection of materials introduced to the market by Louvolite. The Vision range of fabrics has a classic but contemporary feel suitable for any installation.
Fully enclosed cassette or half open cassette options in a wide variety of colours. Sidewinder control system as standard.
Motorised systems include rechargeable lithium battery or hard wired to your mains. Hand held remote control or wifi and app connectivity through home hub systems.
We have sourced a unique range of fabrics with exclusive materials for Tropical Blinds. Bold colours, soft textures and eclectic designs bring together one of the more diverse books in the market.
Make your Vision blinds come to life with motorisation. With their striking horizontal banding, Vision blinds really switch on the style when raising and lowering on our One Touch system. The rechargeable lithium battery motor is housed in the tube of the blind and is completely invisible to the end user. Simply install your blinds, set the limits and you are away with a fully motorised product!
Link Vision blinds to our home hub systems which allow the customer to control their blinds through a downloadable app. These home hub solutions mean you can operate blinds in various rooms or on timers. Home hub also links to Amazon echo for voice activation.